3x Dawn $3.00
2x crayons $4.38
8x Campbells soup (kids were hungry 1 missing

1x fusion power razor 10.97
Total: 23.71
3x .50 dawn cpns
1x 10.00 fusion razor from a trade
-2.40 SPC %
Total cpns/spc: $13.90
Total Spent before taxes: 9.81 (11.89 incl)

My man and I had an awesome haul this weekend when I did groceries! I managed to get $263.78 worth of groceries (on sale, before cpns) for $117.33 after cpns! It was amazing, a few free things, groups of 4 items (Quaker snacks) for 1.68 with tax!!! Oasis 100% juice for .99! Which was AWESOME as it is, had a few .75c off cpns too. Stocked the cabinets, fridge and freezer FULL!!!!!!!!!
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