Saturday, February 21, 2009


I was talking with someone in my family I haven't spoken to in a while. Its nice to throw in a fuck or two, say jesus christ without saying "sorry.." we have an odd relationship, on and off. She loves me. I know she does. I love her so much. She's been there for me in so many ways. When I was a young girl, I often thought how much I wanted to be like her. Once I changed into big girl panties, and made my very.own.descisions. things went sour. I quickly realized how I am so thankful I'm not like her.

But she is wise. She is smart and beautiful. She taught me there are no boys colours, girls can wear jeans, and once you pay your own rent, Skittles, ice cream and a nice glass of white wine is allowed w.h.e.n.e.v.e.r. you want!! She gave comfort when needed, made you feel like shit when needed, and she always gives good advice.

The recent advise was about thinking positive. I know my mama has said many times all the wonderful things that can come from thinking positive. But this person spoke in a different way, a different tone, and I hung up the phone knowing, positive thinking brings positive behavior. It will also push those negative people out of the way because they can't stand anything but. So positive I shall be.

Supah'mom shall be positive, I shall be me.

Be who you are. Think positive. I promise.. Good things will happen.

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.”


Anonymous said...

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Tara-Leigh said...

thank you for that! I will check them out!!!!