Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Giant Tiger!
Walmart has a good sale on this weekend, some of the flyer contents are listed here
and another great thread listed
and it lists which coupons to use at what store on what item!
So far this weekend, I'll be heading to walmart. Grabbin' up 4 pks. of 24-roll Royal TP (96 rolls !! ) for $12! And then some Scott Paper towels they are 2/$5 and I have $1. off cpns for them, so most likely I'll grab 3 pks. and spend $9! We go through a lot of paper towels its crazy! And this sale is just in time, and I'm running low!
Thank goodness I cleaned out my water closet, I have room to store the craziness! 5 black garbege bags later, and 3 large toys donated to my local St. Vincent du Paul.
Now go. run. Hug your mamas, hug your children. Life is short and we should live for today.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy kids and smiling lunches..

The kids love it, and I'm not repeating things a bazillion times like "sit and eat!" Grated cheese is a "treat" I guess in little kid land, eating itty bitty foods are fun! I also make food on a stick.. lol Cheese cubes, meat cut in cubes, grapes, melon etc.. they enjoy that too! Sandwiches make for awesome ears, and eyes, hot dogs work for smiles!
Just a little Deal I snagged today..

3x Dawn $3.00
2x crayons $4.38
8x Campbells soup (kids were hungry 1 missing

1x fusion power razor 10.97
Total: 23.71
3x .50 dawn cpns
1x 10.00 fusion razor from a trade
-2.40 SPC %
Total cpns/spc: $13.90
Total Spent before taxes: 9.81 (11.89 incl)

My man and I had an awesome haul this weekend when I did groceries! I managed to get $263.78 worth of groceries (on sale, before cpns) for $117.33 after cpns! It was amazing, a few free things, groups of 4 items (Quaker snacks) for 1.68 with tax!!! Oasis 100% juice for .99! Which was AWESOME as it is, had a few .75c off cpns too. Stocked the cabinets, fridge and freezer FULL!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
But she is wise. She is smart and beautiful. She taught me there are no boys colours, girls can wear jeans, and once you pay your own rent, Skittles, ice cream and a nice glass of white wine is allowed w.h.e.n.e.v.e.r. you want!! She gave comfort when needed, made you feel like shit when needed, and she always gives good advice.
The recent advise was about thinking positive. I know my mama has said many times all the wonderful things that can come from thinking positive. But this person spoke in a different way, a different tone, and I hung up the phone knowing, positive thinking brings positive behavior. It will also push those negative people out of the way because they can't stand anything but. So positive I shall be.
Supah'mom shall be positive, I shall be me.
Be who you are. Think positive. I promise.. Good things will happen.
“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.”
Friday, February 20, 2009
Saved big today!!

2 pairs of huskey boys jeans 50% off = 9.97 ec
2/5$ Glade refills = 5.00
6 kids VHS $1.00 = 6.00 (1 not pictured)
also got but not pictured:
2/5 Herbal Essences = 5.00
2/3 mr clean products = 3.00
and a few other things..
3x.50 off herbal essences
BOGO Glade coupon (but cashier took off 4.19, the reg. price, not sale! we were talking and she was distracted!)
2x1.00 mr.clean coupons
Total before tax/coupons/spc for my entire purchase: $52.09
Total after tax/coupons/spc for my entire purchase: $40.30
Saved: $11.79!!!!!!!!!
Savings from items on sale: $31.44 + Coupons/spc = 43.23!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Savings to be had!
We'll start with Giant Tiger:
Tampax Pearl 4 ct $1.26 - Use $1.00 brandsaver cpn w/o restrictions = .26!!!!
Puffs plus with lotion 72ct box 1.38 - Use .50 cpn = ,88!!!!!!!
Jergens Natural Glow facial lotion 1.97 - Use 2.00 cpn makes it = FREE!!!!!!!!
Dawn Dish Soap 325ml .97 - use .50 cpn = .47!!!!!!!!!!!
Zellers: (Remember to use your SPC discount!!)
Easy Ups 16.97 = $3.00 cpn = 13.97!!!
Gerber Graduates Puffs 3/6.99 - $1/WUB2 = 5.99
Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, All Bran 1.97 box - Use $2/WUB2 = 1.97 for 2 boxes!!!!!!!
Charmin toilet paper 8.97 - use .50 cpn = 8.47
Crest ProHealth toothpaste 1.97 - use .50 cpn 1.47!!!!!!!
Fusion Razor 10.97 - 10.00$ cpn or 5.00 cpn = FREEE!!! or 5.97!!!
Dawn 325ml 1.00 - .50 = .50!!!!!!!!!
Shoppers DrugMart:
Cheerios cereal 1.97 - 1.00 general mills cpn = .97!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, in Aylmer, on Saturday the 21st, there are selected items up to .75% off!! Take a look! Might be worth it atleast for the points!
Tomorrow I'll be trekking to Giant Tiger to get some dawn dish soap, the jergens lotion (getting atleast 1 for FREEE!!!!) and a few other things, saturday will be shoppers, loblaws, Zellers and sunday walmart!
Oh I love shopping sprees without spending loads of money! Stay tuned for PICS!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Giant Tiger Deal

I got :

Ack!! Please look past the fingerprints!! I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old who just had lunch !!
Dawn dish soap .97 x 3 = 2.91
Tampax Pearl 1.26 x 3 = 3.78
Cute spring flats $5.00 (reg. 14.97) - orange sticker
Cpns used:
3 x.50 dawn = $1.50
2 x 1.25 any tampax pearl= $2.50
1 x 1.00 any tampax pearl = 1.00
$10.00 off the shoes (they were not there 3 days ago!)
Total Savings: $15.00
Total Spent: $6.69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herbal Essences WOM
So everyone, the fantastic WOM company has another promotion!!
Fill out your information
matchstick will contact you if you qualify and you could receive coupons for Herbal Essences New Hydrolicious Line! Ofcourse I've filled it out, 1. because Herbal Essences is my line of hair care to use in the shower, I love it!! It leaves my hair silky smooth and very manageble! 2. because is an awesome company to spread the word about new and upcoming products!!
Take a look and you could be lucky, and if not, my fave site has a coupon for herbal essences you can get some great savings on and try it out anyways!!
Good Luck everyone!
RIGHT CLICK THESE LINKS and open in a NEW tab or window, or else the sites could track you back to this blog and not send them out...
Dawn dishwashing soap .50 (get at Giant Tiger for .97 after cpn .47!!)
.50 off Herbal Essences shampoo, conditioner or styling product!
$10 when you buy 3 OLAY products (watch for other posts to get some killer deals!)
$3.00 off busy bones dog treats (get at food basics, walmart, loblaws for freee!!!!)
Free Product Coupon for Purina Wet cat food tin!!!!!!!!!!!
Quaker snacks!! the sweet and salty bars can be found at walmart for $1.00 a box! Buy 4 with this coupon and get them for FREE!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
What can 9.74$ buy you?
Zellers and grabbed their awesome sale on Mr. Clean Magic erasers and antibacterial wipes! They have their wipes, erasers and cleaning fluid on sale for 2 for $3.00.
I used the coupons available
here that I've saved and traded for a while, and scored!
I grabbed:
12 boxes of wipes
6 boxes of erasers

after coupons and SPC discount I spent 8.10$
We had a little problem at the cash.. but I walked away happy! So no need to vent!
Thanks for looking!